Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My Ballet Girls

The girls just started ballet lessons. The Artist has wanted to take lessons for several years, I just never could get her into the classes. So we found a place that offers 12-week classes for less than $6 a class per child! So both girls are now Ballerinas-in-Training! The teacher is Korean, so the girls are also getting trained in the language as well since I don't think she speaks English. It is going well so far and The Artist is so excited! I am sad that there isn't a place for me to take pictures of them practicing, so all I have is a picture of them in the dressing room and the one picture I snapped before the door closed. Oh, how I want to see them dance. We will have to see if they get to have a little dance recital at the end like they do in America.

1 comment:

  1. Wow how fun! My girls always loved taking dance. Still do. Glad things are so good for all of you.
