I have 2 girls who are constantly growing out of their clothes. When the big one outgrows pants, I just start putting them in the youngest ones drawer. Now the youngest is outgrowing those pants. Funny thing, the waist still fits the older one! So I decided to try to salvage the pants and make them last for another go-around. I looked online but could not find a tutorial for what I wanted to do, so I decided to make my own. I took the pants and cut off the legs. Then I seam ripped up the front and back seams. I pulled the left and right sections together a little and sewed the seam up. I adjusted the length of the new skirt and then added a second fabric to the bottom to make the skirt long enough to be modest. Some of the bottom fabric is regular yard goods, and some of it is taken from a skirt from a dress that the youngest has outgrown. This idea also works great for pants that are ripped in the knees or stained to make them last a little longer. Now the eldest can wear the new skirt and when she grows out of it, the youngest will get it back!

The pants in their original state.

The pants after I cut the legs off

After I seam ripped the front and back seams and stitched them back together.
I then cut them to the length I wanted them.

Skirt with bottom made from 2 ladies tank tops. I cut the
tops apart and used 2 pieces on the front and 2 on the back.

Finished skirt with lettuce edging

Another skirt I made. For this one I used yard goods for the bottom.
AM, know that I am praying for you.